Parrish Huckleberry Turkey Call
Parrish Huckleberry Turkey Call

Parrish Huckleberry Turkey Call

Sale price$12.99

Chris Parrish triple reed with a signature cut built on a traditional turkey call frame. The huckleberry is a smooth call light raspy yelps and great soft talk call. 

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Based on 1 review
Northwest Spur Chasers
One of my Favorites!

By far my favorite Chunk Cut Call! I have ran just about every chunk cut call there is and this is the one that starts out in my mouth every time I go out! The Meat Eater 3 Pack is also close by and always in use as well! Fantastic Old Raspy Hen sounds and also very easy to lighten up and go for the soft sweet talk in close! It is very tunable and extremely durable when properly cared for. I run them in my car and all season long and actually had one last through 3 seasons of very hard calling as I love using it to locate at far distances. It really Blows! (: With 28 years of calling behind me now, I can tell you without concern that you just can't go wrong buying this one. The frame is a little wider than the fit of the Latvian Eagle in the 3 pack of the Meet Eater Series, but frames are adjustable if you do your research. Keep the stretch the same and bend it ever so slightly if you find this call a little wide for you If you have a narrow pallet.