PD-2 Double Reed Duck Call
After hearing for years that duck hunters are looking for a double reed duck call that has the body and ability to reach the sounds only a single reed can we set out to change that and we are proud to offer this "new style" double reed.
The PD-2 is built on the same tone board as our PD-1 and each call and reed are hand trimmed and adjusted until it has just the right sound. This double reed has tons of built-in horsepower and the tonal range, versatility, and overall rasp and body of a single reed. For duck callers new and old we challenge you to give this call and try and see what we mean when we say the PD-2 operates like a double reed and sounds like a single!
Unlike most double reeds on the market we don't add a small dimple to the top reed to give the reed added lift. Instead, we bend and mold the top reed until its giving us the sound we want up and down the scale. By taking the time to hand-tune the top reed it gives these calls the added edge duck hunters and guides are after.
This call is hand-tuned with double lanyard grooves and an embedded O-Ring on the insert to ensure you get that air tight fit every time!
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