Omega Snort Wheeze
Omega Snort Wheeze
Omega Snort Wheeze

Omega Snort Wheeze

Sale price$39.99

Grunter: Listening to the desires of many “dyed in the wool” deer hunters, including our old friend Clay Newcomb, we knew not every hunter would want a grunter with a bellow tube. This call is tuned to sound like a young buck but can be adjusted to your desired vocalization. Nobody likes their grunt call to freeze up with condensation during a cold snap, so we install a special weighted anti-stick reed for cold weather calling. The internals into an acrylic barrel to make an uncompromising buck grunter that won’t break the bank.

Snort Wheeze: Exhale forcefully into the snort wheeze tube while biting your bottom lip and saying “f”. The sound cadence should be 3 hard exhales of “fff”, “ffff”, then a long “fffffff” tailing off at the end.

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