MeatEater x Phelps

New Signature Turkey Calls

New Turkey Calls

MeatEater X Phelps: Prime Cuts

As you'd expect a Prime Cut of meat from the butcher, these calls are top-of-the-line. Whether you're new to calling or a seasoned vet, these signature Steven Rinella, Clay Newcomb, and Jason Phelps diaphragms have just enough rasp to coax the most cagey gobbler into range.

Turkey Calls

Best In Class Diaphragm, Pot, Box & Locator Calls

About Us

Jason Phelps, FOunder

"Phelps game calls was established in 2009. I had always been fascinated with calling animals into close range, so what better venture than making calls? I set out to make the most realistic and easy to use calls available. After a bunch of trial and error, I had found combinations that sounded good and were easy to use. Since the inception, I have designed and made Elk, Turkey, Predator, Deer, and other custom calls."